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Living In The Midst of the Unfathomable

Shoshana Lipson

Living In the Midst of the Unfathomable

I don't know about you, but I have an innate need to "know." I need to know what is going on now, to know why it's happening, to know what the future holds, to know how to change things. I'm more comfortable when things are tied up into neat little packages and my world makes sense. I explore, research, question, and explore more, often exhausting myself in the process with little to show for it at the end. Hopefully I'm not the only one who struggles in this way! The challenge is trying to figure out how we can believe and trust in a God who often seems silent when we struggle. Does God hear me, and why is He allowing this pain or illness that simply doesn't seem fixable or sometimes even livable?! 

God's Thoughts Are Not Our Thoughts
One of my favorite books in the bible is Job - if you haven't read it then maybe take a look and hopefully you'll see why I'm drawn to it! Job was a "righteous" man, and in the eyes of the world extremely successful, but he suddenly lost everything: his family, health, home, friends, possessions. The book of Job explores why God allows pain and suffering, and is a challenging invitation to trust in God's character. Again and again Job's friends question why he is suffering and try to blame it on him. Afterall, the concept of "karma," which apparently was alive and well even back then, focuses on CAUSE and EFFECT. 

Karma implies that when we are blessed we must be doing something right, and when we suffer... well, then we must have done something wrong to deserve it! The burden of karma all too often is guilt, shame and blame together. The sad consequence is physical, emotional and spiritual isolation. The book of Job reminds us that this is not a "biblical theology of suffering." God's thoughts are NOT our thoughts and His ways are NOT our ways. A biblical theology of suffering is woven throughout the Bible and expressed beautifully in so many places such as the Psalms, Isaiah, the Gospels, and more. We see God's people crying out to Him, trying to deal with the unfathomable and make sense of the challenges in their lives. We also see them choosing to trust in Him, knowing that He is their refuge and strength, and holding onto a knowledge that He has not abandoned them. 

When we struggle to justify what is happening, or even listen to others try to justify or explain, the pain can be overwhelming. Job stated simply and powerfully, "My spirit is broken." (Job 17:1) It is one of the saddest things that the deepest wounds are those often caused by other believers. The reality is that there are often no answers to the question of why we suffer, but God is still God. If you read Job 38-39 you can see God's answer to Job and his friends. How can we possibly begin to understand His ways and His thoughts?! Our God cannot be put into a box! However, there are still eternal truths which hold firm: He is all powerful, He is unconditionally loving, He is always present, He has not forgotten you, He hears the cry of your heart. 

Faith Is Trusting the Rock Beneath Our Feet
The truth is that God knows all things and no matter what we are going through we are still held in the palm of His hand. Faith is not seeing where we are going and understanding, but rather it is "confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1) 
  • Faith is holding onto our God even when we are struggling and don't understand. 
  • Faith is putting one foot in front of another when we can't necessarily see beyond that next step. 
  • Faith is believing that God can and does use all things to His glory even when the path may not be easy. 
  • Faith is standing in the midst of a storm and knowing that our feet still stand on a rock that cannot be moved. 
Each and every day I have to make that choice to trust in a God whose thoughts are not my thoughts and whose ways are not my ways. Every morning I give Him my pain, struggles, fear and doubt. And every morning I feel His arms enfold me, hearing Him say, I am here, and I have not forgotten you. 

Do you find it hard to stand in faith when you don't understand? Is it a struggle for you to continue to believe in God when there are no easy answers? How has your faith deepened through your trials? 
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