It's easy for us to look at our brokenness, or the brokenness of others, and only see defects or lack of worth. However, the reality is that God takes our brokenness and puts us back together again to make something new! Again and again in the Bible we see God using people exactly where they are, with all their challenges, for His purpose and glory. The same is true for us today. Chronic pain is not an obstacle to God's plan, but rather it is an invitation to grow. An invitation to trust Him that even in the midst of the unfathomable He is able to do something amazing and we are able to move into a deeper relationship with the Lord.
Many things change when we find our physical bodies struggling. The things we love or are used to doing simply may no longer be feasible. However, one thing does not change, and that is your identity in God and His purpose for your life. When we presume that we are not going to have a future, or that we are now defective, we give in to the lies of the devil and empower him in our lives. But when we stand, broken but confident as a son or daughter of the King Most High, our Lord truly can bring light where there has been darkness, rejoicing where there has been mourning, and a peace that passes all understanding.