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Overwhelmed By The Storm

Shoshana Lipson

Overwhelmed By The Storm

One of the amazing things that has come out of living much of my life on various coastlines around the world, has been the opportunity to watch coastal storms up close. As the winds turn what was previously serene into chaos and surging waves rage around massive rocks, the scene can be both overwhelming and fascinating. How do those rocks stand firm? How does what is serene turn into such chaos and then back into beautiful serenity again?

The Perfect Storm
In many ways this is not dissimilar to the lives of those who live with chronic pain and illness. We spend much of our time scheduling doctors’ appointments, procedures and tests. We live with undiagnosed and confusing conditions, medical staff who are often unavailable to answer questions, and insurance companies designed more for the healthy than the unhealthy. Many of us live in an almost constant state of utter weariness. When you add in pain or illness flareups, additional diagnoses to already long lists, or new challenges in society such as the current corona virus, then you have a setting for the perfect storm. Or to put it more accurately – an overwhelming and storm!  

I'm know that I’m not alone in feeling like this. In the weariness that comes from fighting all the time to get effective, adequate medical care. In dealing with the isolation that comes from attempts to avoid pain flareups or additional illness due to being immunocompromised. There are so very many of us who are simply trying to hold on to hope while accepting that this is our life... at least for right now. However, I also know that we believe in and serve a God who is bigger than all of this. 

Some Amazing Promises

The Bible is full of God’s promises to us: 

  • He has promised to ALWAYS be with us. 
  • He has promised to equip us for whatever we go through. 
  • He has promised to fill us with His Living Waters. 
  • He has promised to give us His shalom, His peace that passes all understanding. 
  • He has promised to never leave us. 
  • He has promised to be there with us in the midst of the storm. 

Not only do we have these incredible promises, but as believers we also have each other. It is through relationship and connection that we can support and lift each other up. The Bible says, when one of us falls down the other can pick them up (Ecclesiastes 4:10). We were designed and created to be in relationship with others rather than live in isolation. Remember, whatever you are living with, this is not your fault and you are not your illness. It is not our choice whether or not we have health challenges or whether we experience overwhelming storms. However, it IS our choice if we allow our bodies to rob us of the peace found through intimate relationship with God as well as the strength and joy comes through connection with others. 

A Change of Focus
When we are overwhelmed it is easy to convince ourselves that no-one understands and that there is no hope. However, not only does our Father in Heaven hear every cry and know every thought, but in addition there are countless others who truly do “get it.” Others who go through the same storms and are all too familiar with the challenges we face. Being honest with others in our lives can help bring us closer to them. Sharing our burdens can not only bring a sense of relief and safety to us, but also help bring about growth in those around us. Even just making the choice to show kindness to someone else or reach out to a friend who is struggling can change our focus and improve our ability to make it through the day and to face tomorrow. 

So, let's dig deep into our relationship with the Lord at this time and allow ourselves to lean on Him. Let's continue to encourage and be there for each other, taking turns to lift each other up as we need to. Let's remind ourselves and each other of God's promise to us: "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you." (Isaiah 43:2) And above all, let's not forget that there is NOTHING that can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus - "neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come." (Romans 8:38) He is always with you – you are not alone – you are not forgotten!

What is a storm that you are dealing with today that seems overwhelming? Do you feel as though you easily get overwhelmed by the storms in your life? Where do you find your strength, courage and hope? 
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