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Looking Over My Shoulder - Tripping Over My Feet

Shoshana Lipson

Looking Over My Shoulder and Tripping Over My Feet

Have you ever tried to walk or run forwards while looking backwards? Maybe that sounds a little odd, but sadly it’s not too far from the truth for many of us! Today was one of those “a-ha” days that don’t come often but which are treasured. True, it started out pretty much like every other day in my life recently – achy joints, fatigue, and the super irritating sound of workmen digging up the road right outside my home. Honestly, everything that made me want to bury my head and pretend that a new day wasn’t beginning quite yet. But then I had the opportunity to talk with a pastor and look at things in a new way. A “lightbulb going off in my head” kind of way. Bearing in mind that I live with chronic migraine, the concept of a lightbulb going off in my head, or yours for that matter, probably isn’t too thrilling! However, this was one of those times that actually made me stop, think, reevaluate, and start to rechart my course. 

Guilt, Shame, Blame and Regret
The topic of the conversation was guilt, shame, blame and regret. All things that tend to keep us looking back over our shoulders and tripping over our feet as we keep trying valiantly to move forward. It made me realize that so many of us, myself included, wear these feelings like treasured clothing. Garments we can’t, or won’t, take off. Things that have almost become a part of us and our identity. Guilt, shame, blame and regret start to define who we are rather than being seen as part of a journey in an imperfect world that God can and will use for His glory no matter what. Sadly, our pain all too often becomes who we are, and our very way of thinking starts to revolve exclusively around that. 

Captivity Instead Of Freedom

What is amazing is that the Word of God is full of eternal truths. Truths that stand no matter how you feel and no matter how you see yourself. The TRUTH is that you are precious, you are unconditionally loved, and you are awesomely gifted. You are a son or daughter of the King Most High. There is nothing that can change that truth. However, when guilt, shame, blame and regret start to define who are we are, when we hold onto them and allow them to become our identity, the consequences are crippling. All too often, precious time is spent looking backwards over our shoulders, embracing what we should not. It inhibits our ability to embrace ourselves as God sees us. Essentially, we begin tripping over our feet rather than walking forward in God’s plan for our lives. 

As much as God’s desire for us is that we grow and live out His purpose, the evil one wants to stop that. His desire is to make us dwell so totally on the negative that our relationship with the Lord is stunted or even completely broken. Every moment that we spend seeing ourselves as defective, to blame, or guilty is a moment that we can’t spend walking in the freedom that is a priceless gift from God through His Son, Jesus. In effect, just as the Israelites complained in the desert after being set free from Egypt, we too try to put ourselves back into captivity. But that captivity and struggle is so very far from God’s plan for our lives and how He longs for us to live. 

Challenge for Today
  1. LET GO: If you were to write down something that you want to let go of and lay down at your Father’s feet, what would that be? If you could write something on a rock and throw it into a stream of moving water, what would you write? Would it be shame, fear, guilt, blame, regret, unforgiveness, anger or something else? What is making you keep look back over your shoulder and stopping you from moving forward?  

  2. WHO ARE YOU: Then let’s take the next step, because God doesn’t only want to take our burdens, but His desire is to fill us with His Spirit and heal our souls. If you were to write down five to ten virtues or gifts that you have, what would you write and how would you explain them? Are you able to see what is positive in yourself and the spiritual gifts that the Lord has given you? Maybe you are compassionate, generous, or kind. Maybe you have a servant’s heart, the gift of discernment, or godly wisdom. Perhaps you are an encourager, a leader, or a prayer warrior! Whatever your virtues and your spiritual gifts are, the TRUTH is that God sees you, He knows you, you are infinitely precious, and your identity is found in Him. Then once you’ve made your list, try speaking it out loud as a declaration of truth and an embracing of your true identity in Him.  

Who God Sees
The TRUTH is that you are fearfully and wonderfully made! You are gifted and have an amazing purpose in God’s plan. He is not done with you and He can use everything from your past together with all that you are going through now for His glory. Maybe that is hard for you. It’s often hard for me too, even though I’m not always honest about that to myself let alone others. Most of us hold tight to things that burden and weigh us down, and yet Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30) 

What do you need to let go of today that is stopping you moving forward? Are you able to see the person God sees or are you still looking over your shoulder while tripping over your feet?!  
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