What is amazing is that the Word of God is full of eternal truths. Truths that stand no matter how you feel and no matter how you see yourself. The TRUTH is that you are precious, you are unconditionally loved, and you are awesomely gifted. You are a son or daughter of the King Most High. There is nothing that can change that truth. However, when guilt, shame, blame and regret start to define who are we are, when we hold onto them and allow them to become our identity, the consequences are crippling. All too often, precious time is spent looking backwards over our shoulders, embracing what we should not. It inhibits our ability to embrace ourselves as God sees us. Essentially, we begin tripping over our feet rather than walking forward in God’s plan for our lives.
As much as God’s desire for us is that we grow and live out His purpose, the evil one wants to stop that. His desire is to make us dwell so totally on the negative that our relationship with the Lord is stunted or even completely broken. Every moment that we spend seeing ourselves as defective, to blame, or guilty is a moment that we can’t spend walking in the freedom that is a priceless gift from God through His Son, Jesus. In effect, just as the Israelites complained in the desert after being set free from Egypt, we too try to put ourselves back into captivity. But that captivity and struggle is so very far from God’s plan for our lives and how He longs for us to live.